Message To America's Students: The War, The Draft, Your Future
(too old to reply)
2004-04-14 11:26:38 UTC
U.S. troops sent to war half a world away. American foreign policy
controlled by an arrogant elite, bent on projecting military power
around the globe. A public misled into supporting an unconstitutional
war founded on deceit and fabrications.
what about other countries? u think this only involves america....... think
As the death toll mounts, we hear claims that the war is nearly won,
that victory is just around the corner. But victory never arrives.
Actually, are the Nazi's still bombing London? do the japanese zero's still
bear down on the people of broome, australia ? think again.....
As the public loses confidence in the government, the government
questions the patriotism of any who express doubt about the war.
Yes, the minority loses confidence, because they have never had a close
family friend, or a family member die, by some suicidal terrorist.... think
When a presidential election arrives, both the Democrat and Republican
nominees embrace the policy of continued war.
The military draft comes to dominate the lives of America's young, and
vast numbers who believe the war to be a senseless blunder are faced
with fighting a war they do not believe in, or facing exile or prison.
they dont believe in fighting terrorism? okay, no worries mate, i'll just
plant a bomb in your house, kill your family, and then ask you, DO YOU
The year was 1968. Because voters had no choice that November, the
Vietnam War continued for another six years. Hundreds of thousands of
Americans like you died, were maimed, or suffered from diseases like
malaria. A far greater number of Vietnamese died.
Yep, most americans were non trained at ANY major fighting, true
conscripts - had no idea what was going on, and was fighting a war they
didnt understand - communism/capitalism..... it was really against russia
anyways, and that was the US/RUSSIA thing, so Vietnam was chosen to be the
ground... sure, war is bad, but without change, there is no progression!
think about it!
Today, the war is in the quicksands and alleys of Iraq. Once again,
under the pressure of a determined resistance, we see an American war
policy being slowly torn apart at the seams, while the candidates urge
us to "stay the course" in this tragic misadventure. Today's
Presidential candidates are not Nixon and Humphrey, they are now Bush
and Kerry.
Ummm, what they say to you americans to get a vote is what all politicians
say, no matter what..... I'm sure they are doing it for the good of the
world anyway.. they wouldnt just send in thousands of troops, with expensive
weapons, and provide such a crisis, if there was no need! this isnt about
oil, its about protecting YOU, your FUCKING FAMILY, YOUR NEIGHBOR, and
everyone that you see when you are in your fancy fucking shops, buying fancy
fucking food, going to sleep every fucking night, and thinking that the
world fucking revolves around you!!!! you have no fucking experience, on
what war is like, or what it means! you are a fucking idiot! think about
both sides of the story, and you will see that your fucking hippy shit
doesnt cut it! its fucking pointless, because, in a fantasy world where you
come from, there is no famine, no pain, no tragedy, no disease, no rape, no
murder, no fucking nasties! and thats what you need to see! to want peace
means that you must be ready for war! to sustain what you have, and what you
want! so many people want to take that away from you, from being jealous,
because OUR GOVERNMENT ISNT GREEDY! if it was, we would all be communists,
lucky enough to have a small bowl of rice, and MAYBE a splash of soy sauce
for flavour! your so fucking lucky that you get electricity, a warm bed,
undisturbed sleep, and most fucking important, the ability to learn, and
dessimate information! imagine those that cannot do that!? and you think
your so fucking hard done by! you fuckhead! think about it!!
Once again, there is one overriding truth: If war is the only choice in
this election, then war we will have.
Today enlistments in the Reserves and National Guard are declining. The
Pentagon is quietly recruiting new members to fill local draft boards,
as the machinery for drafting a new generation of young Americans is
being quietly put into place.
Yep, X-files is a documentary of the truth, and all those movies you watch,
well, they are all correct!!
Young Americans need to know that a train is coming, and it could run
over their generation in the same way that the Vietnam War devastated
the lives of those who came of age in the sixties.
I am running for President, and have been against this war from the
beginning. We must not waste lives in order to control and waste more
oil? is this what its about? your a fucking wanker mate, everything is all
about you, on how you do things...... i bet you cant fucking manage health
sectors, or education sectors, or anything about the crime in the
country..... fuck! i mean, america is the breeding ground of flippo's and
fucking nutcases....... take a look INSIDE your country, fix them up, then
fix everything else up....... sure, my country aint a good, nice place,
where crime doesnt exist, but its a fucking heap better than america! You
guys need to sort yourselves out, stop trying to be the 'single hero' and
just deal with one thing at a time...... look at the whole picture, and not
each individual piece..... things have worked out fine......
Stand with us and we may yet salvage your future and Americas'
future from this looming disaster.
Ralph Nader
Yep, my name is Andrew, i'm from australia, i cant fix the world, but i'm
helping it to stop being fucked over by cunts with guns...... Stupid wankers
that havent got any education that are brainwashed by their families, and
friends...... also their government......
If you have any problems, you fuck head, give me an email...


Palestinian Restitution and Repatriation (CPRR) as well. The non-profit
exists to "provide legal assistance to Palestinian refugees and their
and to educate the public about the legitimate rights of Palestinians."
Two members of the CPRR, Ishaq Farhan and Abdulateef Arabiyat, are members
of the Islamic Action Front (IAF)-an Islamist party affiliated with the
Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.
Abdeen Jabara also works closely with another IFCO project called the
Coalition Against the "Counter Terror" Act. He distributes its flyers and
has appeared in a video for the group, which may be purchased for $15 a
copy - from IFCO.
Apparently someone is buying. According to a New York Post report, "the
recent IRS records available for IFCO, from the year 2000, show that the
foundation took in $1,119,564 in contributions. A Not In Our Name
report that they have taken in more than $400,000 in recent months for the
purpose of publishing their statement."
NION and Narco-terrorism
As disturbing as NION's relationships with IFCO and Muslim organizations
are, just as disturbing is its relationship to the Revolutionary Communist
Party (RCP). Not In Our Name's administration cadre comes from the
Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), through such luminaries as C. Clark
Kissinger and Mary Lou Greenberg, both of whom are Directors of NION and
members of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). Clark Kissinger,
2004-04-14 13:30:18 UTC
"INSiDER" <@> astounded us with: news:***@quokka.wn.com.au:

It's about oil. It's ALL about the oil.
Rant till your head falls off, it's STILL about the oil.
Denizen of Darkness #44 & AFJC Antipodean Attaché
Change "freeway" to "hotmail" to respond
Rafał Banaszkiewicz
2004-04-14 14:32:50 UTC
Post by Phÿltêr
It's about oil. It's ALL about the oil.
Rant till your head falls off, it's STILL about the oil.
The Oil = Black Gold :]

nothing else but oil ;) look at other countries in this area, in example
Arabian Emirates (in example Burj-Al-Arab hotel - looks really amazing
and it's the one of most expensive hotels in the world) - they don't
look like Iran or Iraq or Afghanistan
2004-04-15 01:16:32 UTC
Post by Phÿltêr
It's about oil. It's ALL about the oil.
Rant till your head falls off, it's STILL about the oil.
Which explains why barely anything has been done about North Korea, even
when they pretty much boasted that there firing up the ol' reactor to
crank out nukes.
2004-04-15 01:14:31 UTC
Post by unknown
As the death toll mounts, we hear claims that the war is nearly won,
that victory is just around the corner. But victory never arrives.
Actually, are the Nazi's still bombing London? do the japanese zero's still
bear down on the people of broome, australia ? think again.....
All that stuff was occurring when Dubya decided to "free" Iraq?
2004-05-14 19:18:09 UTC
Yep nice "liberating" going on in the prisons!
Post by tramboy
Post by unknown
As the death toll mounts, we hear claims that the war is nearly won,
that victory is just around the corner. But victory never arrives.
Actually, are the Nazi's still bombing London? do the japanese zero's still
bear down on the people of broome, australia ? think again.....
All that stuff was occurring when Dubya decided to "free" Iraq?
Bart Snel
2004-05-15 14:00:39 UTC
It's about other countries too. My country, the Netherlands, is also
involved because 'liberal' en 'christian' politicians want to suck up to Mr
Bush and his criminal friends. They are awed by his power.
So, it IS about other countries too but since the United Nations apparently
have no power to oppose the U.S., in the end, it's all about America.
Post by unknown
U.S. troops sent to war half a world away. American foreign policy
controlled by an arrogant elite, bent on projecting military power
around the globe. A public misled into supporting an unconstitutional
war founded on deceit and fabrications.
what about other countries? u think this only involves america....... think
As the death toll mounts, we hear claims that the war is nearly won,
that victory is just around the corner. But victory never arrives.
Actually, are the Nazi's still bombing London? do the japanese zero's still
bear down on the people of broome, australia ? think again.....
As the public loses confidence in the government, the government
questions the patriotism of any who express doubt about the war.
Yes, the minority loses confidence, because they have never had a close
family friend, or a family member die, by some suicidal terrorist.... think
When a presidential election arrives, both the Democrat and Republican
nominees embrace the policy of continued war.
The military draft comes to dominate the lives of America's young, and
vast numbers who believe the war to be a senseless blunder are faced
with fighting a war they do not believe in, or facing exile or prison.
they dont believe in fighting terrorism? okay, no worries mate, i'll just
plant a bomb in your house, kill your family, and then ask you, DO YOU
The year was 1968. Because voters had no choice that November, the
Vietnam War continued for another six years. Hundreds of thousands of
Americans like you died, were maimed, or suffered from diseases like
malaria. A far greater number of Vietnamese died.
Yep, most americans were non trained at ANY major fighting, true
conscripts - had no idea what was going on, and was fighting a war they
didnt understand - communism/capitalism..... it was really against russia
anyways, and that was the US/RUSSIA thing, so Vietnam was chosen to be the
ground... sure, war is bad, but without change, there is no progression!
think about it!
Today, the war is in the quicksands and alleys of Iraq. Once again,
under the pressure of a determined resistance, we see an American war
policy being slowly torn apart at the seams, while the candidates urge
us to "stay the course" in this tragic misadventure. Today's
Presidential candidates are not Nixon and Humphrey, they are now Bush
and Kerry.
Ummm, what they say to you americans to get a vote is what all politicians
say, no matter what..... I'm sure they are doing it for the good of the
world anyway.. they wouldnt just send in thousands of troops, with expensive
weapons, and provide such a crisis, if there was no need! this isnt about
oil, its about protecting YOU, your FUCKING FAMILY, YOUR NEIGHBOR, and
everyone that you see when you are in your fancy fucking shops, buying fancy
fucking food, going to sleep every fucking night, and thinking that the
world fucking revolves around you!!!! you have no fucking experience, on
what war is like, or what it means! you are a fucking idiot! think about
both sides of the story, and you will see that your fucking hippy shit
doesnt cut it! its fucking pointless, because, in a fantasy world where you
come from, there is no famine, no pain, no tragedy, no disease, no rape, no
murder, no fucking nasties! and thats what you need to see! to want peace
means that you must be ready for war! to sustain what you have, and what you
want! so many people want to take that away from you, from being jealous,
because OUR GOVERNMENT ISNT GREEDY! if it was, we would all be communists,
lucky enough to have a small bowl of rice, and MAYBE a splash of soy sauce
for flavour! your so fucking lucky that you get electricity, a warm bed,
undisturbed sleep, and most fucking important, the ability to learn, and
dessimate information! imagine those that cannot do that!? and you think
your so fucking hard done by! you fuckhead! think about it!!
Once again, there is one overriding truth: If war is the only choice in
this election, then war we will have.
Today enlistments in the Reserves and National Guard are declining. The
Pentagon is quietly recruiting new members to fill local draft boards,
as the machinery for drafting a new generation of young Americans is
being quietly put into place.
Yep, X-files is a documentary of the truth, and all those movies you watch,
well, they are all correct!!
Young Americans need to know that a train is coming, and it could run
over their generation in the same way that the Vietnam War devastated
the lives of those who came of age in the sixties.
I am running for President, and have been against this war from the
beginning. We must not waste lives in order to control and waste more
oil? is this what its about? your a fucking wanker mate, everything is all
about you, on how you do things...... i bet you cant fucking manage health
sectors, or education sectors, or anything about the crime in the
country..... fuck! i mean, america is the breeding ground of flippo's and
fucking nutcases....... take a look INSIDE your country, fix them up, then
fix everything else up....... sure, my country aint a good, nice place,
where crime doesnt exist, but its a fucking heap better than america! You
guys need to sort yourselves out, stop trying to be the 'single hero' and
just deal with one thing at a time...... look at the whole picture, and not
each individual piece..... things have worked out fine......
Stand with us and we may yet salvage your future and Americas'
future from this looming disaster.
Ralph Nader
Yep, my name is Andrew, i'm from australia, i cant fix the world, but i'm
helping it to stop being fucked over by cunts with guns...... Stupid wankers
that havent got any education that are brainwashed by their families, and
friends...... also their government......
If you have any problems, you fuck head, give me an email...
Palestinian Restitution and Repatriation (CPRR) as well. The non-profit
exists to "provide legal assistance to Palestinian refugees and their
and to educate the public about the legitimate rights of Palestinians."
Two members of the CPRR, Ishaq Farhan and Abdulateef Arabiyat, are members
of the Islamic Action Front (IAF)-an Islamist party affiliated with the
Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas.
Abdeen Jabara also works closely with another IFCO project called the
Coalition Against the "Counter Terror" Act. He distributes its flyers and
has appeared in a video for the group, which may be purchased for $15 a
copy - from IFCO.
Apparently someone is buying. According to a New York Post report, "the
recent IRS records available for IFCO, from the year 2000, show that the
foundation took in $1,119,564 in contributions. A Not In Our Name
report that they have taken in more than $400,000 in recent months for the
purpose of publishing their statement."
NION and Narco-terrorism
As disturbing as NION's relationships with IFCO and Muslim organizations
are, just as disturbing is its relationship to the Revolutionary Communist
Party (RCP). Not In Our Name's administration cadre comes from the
Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), through such luminaries as C. Clark
Kissinger and Mary Lou Greenberg, both of whom are Directors of NION and
members of the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). Clark Kissinger,