An Ending (Ascent) Remix?
(too old to reply)
2004-07-18 21:18:27 UTC

BRIAN ENO An Ending (Ascent) (2004 UK 2-track white label promo 12"
featuring Leama & Moor Remix + press release stating 50 copies only!


Description:A single sided disc yielding the enormous Leama & Moor mix of
the legendary Brian Eno's An Ending. The deep, euphoric mix makes great use
of the unforgetable string and the vocal + adds plenty of peak time, subby
bass. This must be heard!!!!

There's also a soundclip. Sacrilege or updating of a classic?

Anyone know anything about this remix? Why it was done etc.

Douglas Bailey
2004-07-18 20:35:43 UTC
Post by Kev
Description:A single sided disc yielding the enormous Leama & Moor mix of
the legendary Brian Eno's An Ending. The deep, euphoric mix makes great use
of the unforgetable string and the vocal + adds plenty of peak time, subby
bass. This must be heard!!!!
There's also a soundclip. Sacrilege or updating of a classic?
"Boring" was the first word that came to my mind upon listening to the
sound clip. The *idea* of a remix of "An Ending" doesn't bother me, but
this mix doesn't do anything at all for me.

I'd vote for a hamster if I thought it would get Bush out of office. Kerry
is my hamster.
2004-07-25 08:38:23 UTC
Post by Douglas Bailey
"Boring" was the first word that came to my mind upon listening to the
sound clip. The *idea* of a remix of "An Ending" doesn't bother me, but
this mix doesn't do anything at all for me.
It isn't the most cutting edge of dance music I guess, but I would be made
up if I was off my head in some nightclub and they played it! I am afraid I
had to resort to buying a copy or two and have played it a couple of times



Tom Boon
2004-07-19 20:19:11 UTC
Post by Kev
Anyone know anything about this remix? Why it was done etc.
A small label decided to get some well-known (and less well known) figures
in the dance music genre to remix An Ending (Ascent), using samples from the
original piece. Unfortunately it seems they didn't get Virgin EMI's approval
before starting the project, or indeed finishing it. Virgin EMI then refused
to give permission for the remixes to be released because they used samples
from the original.

There is a news story here:
about someone who was approached for the project but turned it down. The way
it is worded may suggest that Brian Eno approached them to do it. This is
not so -- Brian hasn't asked anybody to remix the piece. I spent many happy
seconds laughing at the "famous fans" page on this site, by the way...

Just to complicate matters, another DJ, Graham Gold, also remixed the track:
http://www.ivibes.nu/index.php?article=2811 in an unrelated project.

Paul Dormer
2004-07-22 22:29:10 UTC
Post by Tom Boon
I spent many happy
seconds laughing at the "famous fans" page on this site, by the way...
Hmmm.. you don't suppose they have given the celebrities the CDs just
prior to taking the photograph?


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