2005-06-16 09:35:27 UTC
I bought Another Day yesterday & gave it 3 attentive listenings last night.
I think that it is one of Eno's more accessible works of the last 10 yrs or
so; understated & beautiful. I get the impression that a lot of
consideration has gone into the placing of every sound on there - even
leaving in what could be seen as 'errors' seems to be a considered decision.
This is one of the most (early days, of course) enjoyable albums that i have
listened to in a long time & I really do like the vocals/lyrics. Well worth
I think that it is one of Eno's more accessible works of the last 10 yrs or
so; understated & beautiful. I get the impression that a lot of
consideration has gone into the placing of every sound on there - even
leaving in what could be seen as 'errors' seems to be a considered decision.
This is one of the most (early days, of course) enjoyable albums that i have
listened to in a long time & I really do like the vocals/lyrics. Well worth